Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Directory of Offices and Services

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
[email protected]
Ms. Judy M. Banks
Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
[email protected]
James L. Bolden Campus
Union, 2nd Floor
Mailing Address:
1000 ASU Drive 239, Lorman, MS 39096

Admissions & Recruiting

1000 ASU Drive 300
Lorman, MS 39096-7500

Email: [email protected]
PHONE: (601) 877-6374

Campus Union

James L. Bolden Campus Union
1000 ASU Drive 180
Lorman, MS 39096

PHONE: (601) 877-6321

Career Services & Pre-Professional Services

1000 ASU Drive 540
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
James L. Bolden Campus Union, 2nd Floor
Email: [email protected]
PHONE: (601) 877-6246

Counseling Services

1000 ASU Drive 599
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
WWACB 3rd Floor Suite 305
Email: [email protected]
PHONE:(601) 877-6246

Educational Equity & Inclusion

1000 ASU Drive
WWACB 5th Floor, Suite 519A
Lorman, MS 39096
PHONE: 601.877.6700

Dean of Students

1000 ASU Drive 239
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
James L. Bolden Campus Union 2nd Floor
PHONE: 601-877-4724

Financial Aid

1000 ASU Drive 28
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
Email: [email protected]

PHONE: (601) 877-6702

Residence Life/ Housing

1000 ASU Drive 60
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
Lanier Hall 2nd Floor

Email: [email protected]
PHONE: (601) 877-6479

Student Conduct

1000 ASU Drive 239
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
James L. Bolden Campus Union 2nd Floor

PHONE: (601)877-6696

Student Engagement

1000 ASU Drive 180
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
James L. Bolden Campus Union 2nd Floor

PHONE: 601-877-6341

Student Health & Wellbeing

1000 ASU Drive 779
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
Rowan Hall Health Services Center

Email: [email protected]
PHONE: 601-877-6460

Student Center (Natchez Campus)

9 Campus Drive Suite 130
Natchez, MS 39120
FAX: (601) 304-4245
PHONE: (601) 304-4246